Swenor is a leading manufacturer of high-quality roller skis that have been trusted by athletes and enthusiasts around the world for over three decades.
The number of countries where Swenor can be found on the trails and along the roads.
Years Swenor roller skis have been a name to reckon with.
Number of loyal and satisfied customers worldwide.
Number of high-quality Swenor roller skis sold.
It all started in 1981. Interest in skiing and cross-country skiing in Norway and Sweden was at its peak, and the spring and summer seasons were no exception. However, the equipment available on the market for the snow-poor seasons did not match this interest, and the desire for a roller ski that could provide "the right skiing feeling" was awakened in the neighboring country. New thinking about material selection, design and development paid off, and the ski was immediately sought after by elite skiers on both sides of the border. SWENOR was created.
When Norwegian Sport Import AS bought Swenor Rulleski in 1994, the head office was moved to Norway and Trøsken, and since then all production has taken place locally in the small village. We are proud to say that our focus on materials, quality and stability is just as strong as when Swenor roller skis first saw the light of day, without sacrificing development and expansion.
For almost 30 years, Swenor has been supplying roller skis to athletes and elite skiers around the world. Over the years, Swenor has developed cutting-edge expertise in roller skis, and for almost thirty years, thousands of roller skis have left the premises in Trøsken. What they all have in common is that they are highly quality assured and all have "the right ski feeling".
A Swenor roller ski is made to last. Premium raw materials and local production ensure quality at every stage.
Years of refinement pay off and give you what you seek in a roller ski; superior performance and enjoyment on the road.
Swenor roller skis are for everyone. Targeted development over decades, with a focus on versatility and diversity of target groups, has resulted in a wide range of roller skis.
Whether you're a beginner or a top athlete, Swenor has a roller ski for you.
Swenor roller skis can be trusted. A distinctive interest in the subject, a striving to make good products and a genuine desire for close customer follow-up have given us a company to be proud of.
This work will benefit the users of Swenor roller skis: security and care.